The Life of The Party follows the story of Deanna played by Melissa McCarthy. After sending her only daughter to the college and ready to go on dream vacation to Italy, her husband suddenly decides to leave her and marry another woman. Deanna was long-time housewife and spent last twenty years taking care of her family. Lost and devastated, without any idea what to do next, Deanna decides to go back to college where her daughter Maddie studies. Deanna always wanted to be an archaeologist, she left college without finishing it allowing her husband to get the degree, they just could not afford it with newborn baby. Since Deanna does not have any profession, she turns her regrets into opportunity to get so-much-wanted degree.
Maddie did not like much her mom's idea returning to the college and honestly, having your mom sitting and watching what you do at school might be uncomfortable. Though the age gap between regular students and Deanna probably obvious, this is what brings lots of funny situations. Lots of grown-ups go back to school after their forties and that's OK. Once a girl said she wasted years, money and got a degree, but when she went to the real job she cannot do anything. So, Deanna answered that she spent 20 years in a marriage that fell apart so just get over an move on. One of daughter's friends Helen was in coma for 8 years and Deanna finds something in common with that girl in what they experience when came back to college after a long period of time.
Though the story starts on a sad note what happens the next in the movie is totally fun. College life is full of adventures, unexpected encounters, dates and endless parties. They drank, accidentally got high, hallucinated and crushed Deanna's ex-husband's wedding. Deanna is able not only find her place in college as a pretty good student but also joined various parties with her daughter and friends. One of themed parties the girls attended was 80th Party where everyone dressed up like in 80-ties with music and decorations, and Deanna totally rocked it with dance moves and great friends.
Even after you turned forty you still learn and grow, so did Deanna. But she still remains that kind and nice lady she was before the college. That's why her roommate totally supports Deanna inviting her cousin Christina Aguilera to the college to help her in fundraising efforts.
It is really fun movie to watch. Life of The Party is available on Blu-ray combo pack, DVD and Digital HD!
I want to see this one, looks fun and I love Melissa!!