.@TeddyOutReady: September 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Teddy's Back To School - Fall 2012

The summer is officially over and that means a new have fun & learn season is back for Teddy.

This fall Teddy started learning to skate. Teddy joined Kidz ‘N’ You program in “The Sports Village”. Kidz ‘N’ You is an instructional skating class for 2.5-5 years old designed to introduce first time skaters to the ice. Teddy already took first two lessons and likes it very much.

We didn’t forget about our old friend – 4Cats Art Studio. Teddy joined Mixed Media program there that includes variety of art techniques and mediums: papier-mâché, sculpting clay, using pottery wheel, painting on unstretched canvas, silk screening. The fist lesson was amazing – we painted canvas for a little bee painting and made a body of owl/penguin to be from papier-mâché.

One morning after the art class we discussed with Teddy, what he wants to make and he was eager to create an owl. When we got to a daycare, he was very frustrated and a drop of tear appeared under his eye. He thought we were going to the art studio! We realized how he cares and is passionate about it. This is a good sign.

And of course, Teddy is going to swimming classes again! He is pretty close to start swimming by himself and we take bets - will he start swimming alone by:
New Year; when he turns 3 years old (end of February); or later.

The exiting new season ahead and we will post updates on Teddy’s discoveries and accomplishments in the future.
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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Teddy joined Dragons' Den Day celebration on CBC - WW

My friend called tonight saying saw Teddy on CBC News Toronto at 6 featuring Dragons' Den Day celebration. So I checked the broadcasting and found the piece when my boy with Karyn Climans from Tail Wags trying on her cute helmet covers. We even took one to Teddy's skating lesson earlier today. Cool!

Here is the program link: http://www.cbc.ca/player/News/Canada/Toronto/ID/2281415893/

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Teddy's first flight

Teddy likes planes. Toronto is a very big city and any time you look into the sky, you almost for sure will see at least one and sometimes two or more planes at the same time. From the early age Teddy knew that these are planes and often looked up to spot them and showed us his genuine excitement when he saw them. We bought lots of clothes with planes on them. When he was younger and couldn’t speak, he pointed on the print of the plane on his clothes every time we saw a real plain in the sky.

This summer we went on vacation overseas and it was a time for Teddy finally to get inside a plane. We remember times when a bus drove you to a plane and you had to take steps to get into a plane. It is not convenient for adults, but would mean so much for a toddler that flying for the first time in his life. Unfortunately Teddy wasn’t able to enjoy the view of whole aircraft and experience an unobstructed entrance there. He saw aircrafts only through the windows of airport, a lot of them. In the plain he discovered a remote control and learned very fast how to switch the light on and off and how to activate a crew assistance signal. Good thing that it could be turned off from our remote as well and we deactivated a crew assistance signal several times until he bored with his remote.

We flew by KLM and they offered a kids activity package, which caught Teddy’s attention for another hour or so. It was fun to open and close aircraft illuminator window shutters – myriad of times. Playing with a table that emerges form the front seat appears a lot of fun too – not for person who seats on that seat. We got a few angry looks from a young gentleman that occupied seat in front of Teddy – we are sorry!
And of course it was an amazing experience for Teddy to see clouds, fly over them and see buildings and roads from the bird-eye.

He flew four times during our vacation, average 7 hours for a flight. One time he started crying and we wasn’t able to calm him for almost 30 minutes. Good thing that people there understood and supported us – thank you so much!

In general it was a very good experience for Teddy and he understands now what is going on within the plain when he sees it in the sky. When we ask him if he wants to fly in the plain again, he smiles and says “Yes” – who wouldn’t? The only disappointment is that summer vacation is over and appeared to be so short.
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