.@TeddyOutReady: Teddy at the Outdoor Adventures Show

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Teddy at the Outdoor Adventures Show

This show was our second Outdoor Adventures Show with Teddy. After visiting last year’s show we spent our summer vacation camping, living in cottages, fishing and hiking all around Ontario. This year it was quite exiting for Teddy to attend the event since he grew up and started understanding a lot more to take his curiosity to the next level.  

He was puzzled at Scuba World onsite Scuba Tank where scuba divers showed different tricks under the water. He did not understand how it worked yet, but this “magic” definitely impressed him a lot.

He loved the boats and climbed into almost every Canoe, Kayak and Rafting boat at the show.  Paddles and Oars were funny too and he played with them with more enthusiasm than he plays with his favourite toys.

How can we miss the exhibition with stuffed animals there? Teddy petted them and played with them. These animals were killed by cars and then restored and stuffed to remind us that we need to protect the wild nature from extinction. Please pay attention to the signs and drive slowly on rural roads.

We saw a lot of “super tents” there. Some of them were quite small and looked like a new generation of tents. Some of them had a size of the shed and looked like a small bedroom inside. Teddy liked small one, since it fitted his height perfectly and very cosy inside. He even sat down and relaxed for a while in one of them.

And of cause Teddy liked the bicycles at the fitness pavilion. He explored many of them, but unfortunately none of them was for a toddler. We got one small for him after the show and this spring he is going to learn how to ride a bike!  

This year’s Outdoor Adventures Show opened new exiting doors for Teddy and showed us new ways to bond with Mother Nature. We are looking forward to this year outdoor adventures, especially our summer vacation!

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