The Casual Vacancy is produced by Brontë Film and Television, written by Sarah Phelps (Eastenders, Great Expectations) and directed by Jonny Campbell (Doctor Who, Shameless). The mini-series centers on Pagford, a seemingly idyllic English village with a cobbled market square and ancient abbey. Behind the pretty façade, however, is a town at war. The rich at war with the poor, children at war with their parents, wives at war with their husbands, teachers at war with their pupils. Don’t miss your chance to own this gripping new drama as The Casual Vacancy comes to Blu-ray and DVD on August 4, 2015.
Special Features include:
- An Introduction to The Casual Vacancy
- Adapting The Casual Vacancy
- Casting The Casual Vacancy
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I love J.K. Rowling's book's and want to read this one too.
ReplyDeleteI think this would be a movie I would enjoy. I can't wait to watch it.
ReplyDeleteMy girlfriend enjoyed the book so it would be cool to watch together. It would be an all new experience for me since I have yet to read the book.
ReplyDeleteI love British miniseries and J.K.Rowling!
ReplyDeleteI like JK Rowling and looks like a must see.
ReplyDeleteLooks like a fun dvd to watch. I like JK Rowling
ReplyDeletei missed seeing it and would like to.
ReplyDeleteI've had the novel on my TBR shelf for ages, and just haven't gotten to it yet. Thanks for the reminder - I'm gonna crack it open today, and then I"ll be crazy anxious to see the adaptation!
ReplyDeleteI would watch it with my daughter looks like a good movie!