.@TeddyOutReady: Teddy in Paris having a good time near Eiffel Tower - Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Teddy in Paris having a good time near Eiffel Tower - Wordless Wednesday

Last week we were vacationing in France and one week lived in a hotel close to Eiffel Tower. After busy mornings and afternoons exploring the Museums we spent some evenings near the Tower. Here are some of our photos near the Eiffel Tower where Teddy had a good time even dancing and entertaining the public. The weather was nice the whole week.

Teddy in Paris photo TeddyclosetoEiffelTower_zpsbbd1b1da.jpg Teddy in Paris photo TeddyEiffelTower_zpse6837291.jpg
Teddy in Paris photo TeddydancingEiffelTower_zps15af7751.jpg


  1. It looks like he is having such a good time.

  2. Fantastic pictures! He will treasure these when he is older!

  3. Teddy is so cute and looks like he is having a great time! Gorgeous pictures!

  4. Aw, he's so cute! Lucky boy to get to travel so far! He's gotten to see something I haven't seen yet, so good job Teddy!

    1. Thank you, Sweetie, you are so lucky to be in London, Paris could be your week-end getaway!

  5. This is one of those places I have always wanted to go.
