Based on French author Romuald Racioppo’s imaginative and striking picture book series “Les Pyjamasques,” the new television series follows the thrilling night time adventures of three 6-year-old friends, Connor, Amaya and Greg, who transform into their dynamic superhero alter egos, Catboy, Owlette and Gekko, when they put on their pyjamas at night and activate their animal amulets. Together, they embark on action-packed capers, solving mysteries and learning valuable lessons along the way.
PJ Masks is produced by eOne and Frog Box, in collaboration with the award-winning French animation studio TeamTO, and with Disney Junior in the U.S. and France 5.
Right now there are already lots of PJ Masks fun activities on Disney Junior Canada - videos, games, printables and crafts for new superheroes, just stop by and check them out.
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