This fall Teddy joined Mixed Media program at 4Cats Art Studio. This program includes a variety of art techniques and mediums. Today we present our first post that covers his fall art sessions. One of Teddy’s favorite art activities was making a bird from papier-mâché. Teddy had to choose between an owl and a penguin. He chose an owl initially, but then changed his mind.
We had two budgies at home - a male and a female, but when we went on 3 weeks’ vacation this summer, we asked our relatives to take care of them. When returned we were really upset because our female budgie flew out of the cage, house and disappeared. She was blue with white belly. She was smart and rebellious. We loved her very much for her unique personality. We decided to create a bird from papier-mâché and dedicate our creation to our lovely blue girl to remember her.
First time we made a body budgie to be. We filled a small balloon with air and started cluing small pieces of thin paper to it. We spent some time of next class doing the same since it should be several layers to make the body firm and durable.
Third time we made one layer with pieces from thick paper. On the forth lesson we made a last layer from very thin blue paper and covered the whole body with some blue glazed paint. Then we made belly with feathers, wings, feet and a beak.
During our last class we made eyes and feather patterns. It looked so nice. Teddy was proud of his work. After this experience Teddy started calling all penguins “papier-mâché“. In cartoon, in books and even at the Zoo – now he knows what this strange word “papier-mâché“ means.
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