.@TeddyOutReady: Mastermind for Kids Game Codemaker Vs. Codebreaker | Goliath Games

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Mastermind for Kids Game Codemaker Vs. Codebreaker | Goliath Games

Mastermind for Kids

New release of one of our favorite family games Mastermind was a special treat. New to us version called Mastermind for Kids is a great strategy game and teaches kids logic and deduction. It comes in Jungle Animals theme, so all pegs are animals in 6 colors.

There are two players in Mastermind for Kids game. One is Codemaker, who picks 3 pegs and hides them behind the Rocky Mountain. The second player is Codebreaker who has to guess the hidden animal code combination. The main object of the game is to guess the other player's secret code in the smallest number of turns.

Goliath Games Mastermind for Kids

The game has three levels of play, For Younger Players, For Older Players and For Expert Players, so kids can learn and grow with the game. For the first level, For Younger Players, the challenge is to guess the colors of animals in the secret code. Older Players level is a little bit harder, the Codebreaker has to find the color and the position of each of the animals.

While on Older Players and Younger Players levels, gamers can use only one color at a time when setting code, Expert Players level allows to use one color more than once or even leave blanks in the code combination!

Mastermind for kids game

It seems quite easy to guess the colors and the position of the code until you start playing real game. Every turn Codebreaker needs to have a strategy for the next step. If the first turn is pure guess, next steps should be more strategic and require logic and analytical thinking. Teddy likes playing the game and says that Expert Level is very challenging, because the code can contain blanks and more than one color to guess.

Designed for kids ages 6 and up, Mastermind for Kids can be played by kids and adults. You can play at home or take it outside to the park or playground, only do not lose animal pegs. It is fun game to play!

Mastermind for Kids is available on Amazon, ToysRUs, Walmart and other major retailers selling toys across North America.

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